Silver Investment Funds Beginning To Return To The Market

April 19, 2024

Over the 2 year bear market in silver, one of the primary reasons the market struggled so much was that there was little investment by the institutional funds.

We've seen metal leaving the silver ETFs, and the silver stocks were hit particularly hard by the lack of investment to the mining space. Leaving investors sitting and waiting for the interest (and capital) to return for almost two years.

But signs are emerging that the environment is beginning to change as the gold and silver prices have rallied. In today's call I talk with Dan Dickson of Endeavour Silver, who talks about the differences he's been seeing on the institutional side of the market, that's been fueled by an increasing amount of bank coverage and upgrades.

Dan also talks about the supply and demand conditions facing the silver market, and provides an update on Endeavour's new Terronera mine that's getting closer to coming coming online.

To find out more, click to watch the video now!

Arcadia Economics


Silver has 47 protons and 61 neutrons

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