Bill Holter

Bill Holter writes and is partnered with Jim Sinclair at the newly formed Holter/Sinclair collaboration. Prior, he wrote for Miles Franklin from 2012-15. Bill worked as a retail stockbroker for 23 years, including 12 as a branch manager at A.G. Edwards. He left Wall Street in late 2006 to avoid potential liabilities related to management of paper assets. In retirement he and his family moved to Costa Rica where he lived until 2011 when he moved back to the United States. Bill was a well-known contributor to the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) commentaries from 2007-present.

Articles by Bill Holter

As you now know, Europe is set to announce a new QE program.  I wish these money printing rocket scientists would call it like it really is, outright monetization but then again the average non thinking person might ask questions?...
WOW! Two huge news stories within 24 hours. First, Russia decided to shut off the gas pipeline to southern Europe, next the Swiss dropped their 1.20 floor peg to the euro. The first story is absolutely huge but has been...
To say that events are now taking place at the speed of light is an understatement. It was just last Monday, I wrote a missive entitled "The Mother of all Bank Runs." In it I wrote about the German and Dutch...
A few weeks back I wrote a piece titled Why Don’t You Believe Them?. The subjects were Paul Craig Roberts and David Stockman because both were previously employed at top level positions in Washington and are both are trying to warn a...
Negative interest rate policy (NIRP) has arrived to the U.S. for large deposits at commercial banks. This is something we have already seen in Europe over the last few months and a sign (at least to me) that stress is again building....
This past Thursday I was speaking with John Embry regarding the massive 80 ton sale of gold futures the day before in a tight 15 minute window.  We talked about how egregious the suppression has become and the "scorched Earth" policy...
David Cameron, Prime Minister of Britain wrote an article which was published in The Guardian yesterday.  The headline “Red lights are flashing on the global economy” in my opinion is very true what he followed the headline...
2014 is surely looking like a watershed type of year.  We have seen a few slaps on the wrist here and there since 2008 for fraud, rigging markets, trading against customers, bogus ratings, multiple re-hypothecations of the same asset...
Here we go again, silver has been trashed to $15! But don't fear as this "trashing" in my opinion is going to be like Custer's last stand, let me explain. Just as in past episodes, the artificially suppressed prices have brought out 1...
Has the West been cornered?  It's an odd question isn't it?  This can be interpreted in several different ways.  "Cornered" as in financially?  Militarily?  Economically or even from a production standpoint. ...


Spanish Conquistadores invaded the Inca Empire in 1528 to steal their silver and gold.

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