Jeffrey Lewis

Articles by Jeffrey Lewis

One argument against silver's return to acknowledged monetary status has been that because much of the above ground silver has already been used up by industry, there simply is not enough supply to flow around in the economy, which is a...
Most observers know there have been interesting movements in commodity markets of late, much of which has to do with curious developments among some of the largest banks in the world that have been reported in the mainstream media.News...
The Antifragile Concept and Physical Precious Metals The concept of antifragility comes from Naseem Taleb's book Antifragile. In it, he describes things and processes that thrive on mistakes and volatility. Basically, an...
The general case for holding silver continues to improve as the MFGlobal and HSBC scandals confirm the absence of any rule of law or justice in the global financial system. The Peregrine Financial fiasco only serves to verify this somewhat...
The gold and silver markets have fallen dramatically in the wake of the FOMC signaling an end to its controversial Quantitative Easing or QE programs. The pricing in of such FedspeakQE taper-talk has also triggered a yield spike in...


The symbol for silver ‘AG’ comes from the Latin word ‘agentum’ meaning silver.

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