Richard (Rick) Mills

Articles by Richard (Rick) Mills

Who controls the US economy? The “power of the purse” resides within the US Congress and the powers to set fiscal and monetary policy are delegated to the US Central Bank, otherwise known as the Federal Reserve.

While the success of US...
Donald Trump's tax cuts are already paying dividends... well, actually the companies that are benefiting from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed by the Trump Administration in December are not only returning cash to shareholders in the form...
Crude oil prices dropped from $110 a barrel in the summer of 2014 to about $30 in January 2016. The effect on oil producers and oil-producing countries was dramatic. The Russian ruble plunged, and the Canadian dollar slipped to below 70...
In the time of the ancient Babylonians - long before the periodic table - there were seven sacred metals: gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, lead and mercury.

In Roman and Greek Mythology, the First Age was called Golden, the Second Age...

There is a slowing of production and dwindling of reserves at many of the world’s largest mines.
All the oz’s or pounds are never recovered from a mine - they simply becomes too expensive to recover.
The pace of new...
If you needed upwards of 50ml tonnes of copper over the next 5 years, and had very little production of your own, what would you do?

I'm thinking you'd manipulate the market like crazy trying to get everyone to believe there’s a...
We humans have been changing the world around us for tens of thousands of years. It’s pretty much what we do, we shape and we change the existing environment through design and then indifference to the results of our actions.

The sheer...
Nickel is present in over 3,000 different alloys that are used in over 300,000 products for consumer, industrial, military, transport/aerospace, marine and architectural applications.

Nickel’s biggest use, about 65 percent, is in...
Population growth reports say we can expect, barring WW lll or a virus like Ebola going airborne, upwards of 11.4 billion people on the planet by the 2060s. There’s just over 7 billion of us now. A possible 50 percent plus gain in our...
Fact; The world’s resources are finite.Fact; Supply is constrained and demand keeps growing along with the world’s population.Fact; A sustainable and secure supply of raw materials and energy is becoming the number one priority for all...


During 1500s the Spaniards had taken 16,000,000 kilograms of silver from Peru.

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