Platinum majors still in limbo over AMCU wage offer
Johaanesburg-S.A. (June 17) While platinum producers have been in contact with the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU) over the weekend, no official agreement between Impala Platinum (Implats), Lonmin and Anglo American Platinum and the union has yet been reached.
“AMCU and the miners are still busy sorting out the details of the offer, with both parties constantly talking. The talks are at a very sensitive stage,” spokesperson for the mining companies Memory Johnston told Mining Weekly Online on Tuesday.
Sapa quoted Implats as saying that it had been in contact with AMCU over the weekend, but had not yet had a formal engagement, which it expected would take place “very soon”.
“The only outstanding thing is to resolve the details, since the major matters appear to have been agreed to.
“Little details can often be a barrier to coming to an agreement, but hopefully we will conclude negotiations as soon as possible,” Implats spokesperson Johan Theron was quoted as saying.
Mining Weekly Online reported on Thursday that an “in principle” undertaking had been reached between the companies and the leadership of AMCU in respect of wages and conditions of employment.
The union indicated at the time that it would discuss these undertakings with its members to seek a mandate to accept the offers, which, if approved, would bring the strike to an end.
News agency Reuters on Thursday reported that AMCU shop stewards had urged union leader Joseph Mathunjwa to sign the wage deal at a mass meeting held in Rustenburg on Wednesday.
“The principles that underpin the proposals seek to achieve a sustainable future for the three platinum companies for the benefit of all stakeholders and to afford employees the best possible increase under the current financial circumstances,” the platinum producers said in a joint statement at the time, adding that, should an agreement be reached, the companies would assist employees to ensure a safe return to a normal working environment.
Source: Mining Weekly