A Platinum Price Forecast For 2021

December 13, 2020

London (Dec 13)  Our annual platinum price forecast is one of those important forecasts because of the upside potential of this grey metal. According to our platinum forecast we expect a bullish breakout early 2021. Platinum’s price ultimately has an upside potential of 80% ($1800/oz), in 2022 or beyond. In 2021 we see price targets of $1,350 and $1,500. That’s an upside potential of 35% to 50%. The prerequisite is that platinum breaks above $1045/oz. Our 2021 forecast for platinum is wildly bullish.

As per Tsaklanos his 1/99 Investing Principles it is only 1% of the time that platinum is wildly bullish. So this platinum prediction is all about trying to understand that next big move. We want to know when it may happen and how to recognize it. The goals is to catch the first next big move in platinum’s price.

Why This Platinum Price Prediction?

What we are really (only) interested in is this to catch these major moves in platinum. We are talking the type of move that makes your platinum investment a multi bagger in 6 months time. That’s the only reason why we do this research, and why we publish this platinum price prediction.

Based on the elements in this article we conclude that the likelihood in which platinum will make a major move is increasing exponentially as 2021 kicks off.

Our Platinum Price Forecast for 2021

Let’s start with our conclusion. Readers who don’t want to understand our underlying forecasting method can ignore the rest of the article.

One major conclusion is that platinum usually moves up strongly when silver is in a tactical or secular bull market. Sometimes silver rallies first, sometimes it is platinum that goes first. Either way those few really big platinum moves occur at times when silver has varying degrees of bullish momentum.

One other leading indicator, platinum’s COT report as per platinum’s futures market, suggests there is no major peak right now.

That said, when it comes to platinum’s chart pattern(s) we see that platinum is preparing an unusually powerful bullish breakout which would bring the price of platinum to $1350/oz, and next to $1500/oz in 2021.

The million dollar question is when this bullish breakout with a 30% to 50% upside potential may start? We believe this may happen early 2021. However, depending on how bullish silver becomes and how platinum will react once it rises to the $1045/oz area. The line in the sand for our platinum forecast 2021 is $1045/oz.

Our Platinum Price Forecast for 2021

Based on the leading indicators (or lack thereof) and more importantly the chart setup we see the following platinum price forecast for 2021.

This is our forecasted platinum price for the coming years. Prices reflect platinum's spot price.


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