Silver seer David Morgan says “2014 to be Better for Silver & Gold”

December 18, 2013

Colbert-Washington (Dec 18)  Precious metals expert David Morgan says, “I think 2014 is going to be better for both the metals.” Morgan is not “exceedingly bullish” on gold and silver, but he says, “If a black swan were to take place, all bets are off. This is where you could get limit-up days in gold and silver and never look back.”

On the stock market, Morgan warns, “The insiders are already out . . . They’ve left the patsies holding the bag, which is the general public for the most part.” Morgan goes on to say, “As the general market goes down, you are going to see gold go up.”

On the Federal Reserve, Morgan says, “I think they are really having more sleepless nights than they portend. . . . When there is a panic selloff in the bond market, and I think this will happen at some point, when there is a panic sell off and they have to stop bond trading . . . when there are nothing but sell orders, you’ve got a market crash.”

Morgan contends, “The financial system on a global economic scale is in a place that has never ever been established before. So, it is very difficult to forecast how it will unravel.” But, unravel it will. That’s why Morgan says, “This is why I am such an advocate of hard money, gold and physical silver. You want to be early. You don’t want to be late.”

What will the price of gold and silver be this time next year? Morgan says, “I think we’ll see $30 to $34 silver and $1,700 gold by the end of 2014.”

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