Chris Marcus

Articles by Chris Marcus

In recent weeks and months, the silver market has learned that there are additional obstacles to the silver price breaking through the $30 level, that the CFTC hadn’t informed anyone about outside of the banks.But that leaves the question...
Silver has started the week with a spike up in the price, while Kuya Silver has acquired new mineral rights in Peru.

To find out more about the latest silver news, click to watch this update now!

On Wednesday Wall Street posted one of its biggest inflation numbers in history.

Although once again the Federal Reserve says it’s “temporary”, and despite the spike, silver got pummeled.

To find out more, click to watch the video...
One of the most commonly asked questions by silver investors who are tired of the price manipulation is, “why can’t the mining companies sell direct to the users.”Fortunately, Taj Singh of Discovery Silver joined me on the show to discuss...
Silver Viper, a silver exploration company, was halted on the announcement of a new gold and silver resource. To find out more, click to watch this quick video now! Click to watch this important video now!********
To see the letter I wrote to Commissioner Benham and the detailed evidence explaining how the silver price fell by 10% on February 2, 2021 (despite unprecedented records for silver demand on that very same day), that the CFTC has been...
Will #SilverSqueeze2 drain LBMA’s silver?

Lynette Zang joins me to discuss the current silver situation...

So click to watch now!

While there has been a lot of debate in recent years as to whether the silver market has been manipulated or not, the LBMA and the CFTC just did everyone in favor of confirming it in their very own words.

Before you click to watch, be...
One of the most unfortunate things I’ve witnessed in my 20+ year career in finance is how investors feel they are being protected by the regulators, only to find out that the regulators are often even more dangerous than the banks...
We’ve all grown up in a world that calls the U.S. Treasury the “Safe Haven asset.”

Yet in reality, what Wall Street suggests is the safest place possible to put your money, is actually the biggest Ponzi scheme in the history of...


1 cubic foot of silver weighs approx 655 pounds whereas 1 cubic foot of gold weighs more than half a ton.

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