Chris Marcus

Articles by Chris Marcus

We’re continuing our quest to see if the COMEX will actually deliver any physical silver, and on today’s show Rafi Farber provides an update to what’s happening.

He also shared some updated thoughts on BASEL III, and what might really...
Stacking silver bars and coins is awesome, but do you know how many cool silver products are out there for your collection?

Today Yarra shares some of her favorite silver pieces, and announces the winner of the First Majestic silver...
What we are currently witnessing now in the financial markets could well be looked at as one of the most confusing economic periods in history.I’ve never seen so much information designed to mislead and intentionally confuse, which makes...
Silver and gold got clobbered again today. Which has left a lot of investors confused. However, there are explanations for what’s going on, and more importantly, what’s coming next. Fortunately Keith Neumeyer of #FirstMajestic, who has...

The defenders of the COMEX fractional-reserve paper silver Ponzi scheme argue that there’s no cause for concern, because most of the contracts are just rolled over.

Well….while that is indeed normally the case, in 1979, that...
With a lot of silver investors still walking out on the ledge in front of the Fourth of July holiday weekend, your humble #silverprice action therapist has called in the big guns.********
To watch today’s live call with Chris Marcus, Andy Schectman, and Jean-Claude of Beyond Mystic at 3 pm eastern on Thursday July 1, go to:

Is it time to throw in the towel on silver

There’s been a lot of panic and frustration out...
To find out what legal options are available for gold and silver investors who have been impacted by the fraudulent actions of JP Morgan and the CFTC, click below to watch this timely video now!

Many silver investors have started to wonder if the big banks like J.P. Morgan break the rules, and then just treat the fines like a cost of doing business.

Well, it turns out, J.P. Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon once told Senator Elizabeth...
As if the Wall Street silver market didn’t already have enough challenges to deal with, now the industrial silver users are beginning to leave the COMEX as well. To find out why, click to watch this important video now!********


During 1500s the Spaniards had taken 16,000,000 kilograms of silver from Peru.

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