Darryl Robert Schoon

Darryl Robert Schoon writes and lectures on the causes and significance of the economic collapse. His book, Time of the Vulture: How to Survive the Crisis and Prosper in the Process predicted the collapse and the following severe downturn. He graduated from UC Davis (1966) in political science with a focus on East Asia. His immersion in the 1960’s subculture in the Haight-Ashbury radically altered his outlook contributing to the unique point-of-view through which he views the collapse of the present economic system. He has lectured in Europe, Australia and the US and has written five books. Visit his website atwww.drschoon.com.

Articles by Darryl Robert Schoon

Over the past few weeks and months, there have been seismic changes in the way people are thinking of markets – and the concept of markets – generally.

As evidenced by movements in the Federal Reserve’s sale and repurchase facility from...
In September 2012, in my article Gold versus Bonds, I wrote: In the end game, the bond market will be capitalism’s final resting place …when capital markets expand, the action is in the equity markets; when capital markets contract, bond...
In capitalist economies, capital, i.e. ‘money’, is created by central banks in the form of credit; and the cost of that credit—central bank interest rates—determines the rate of economic growth. In the end game, however, this is not so...
Spanish Conquistadores invaded the Inca Empire in 1528 to steal their silver and gold.

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