Gary Tanashian

Gary Tanashian of successfully owned and operated a progressive medical component manufacturing company for 21 years, keeping the company’s fundamentals in alignment with global economic realities through various economic cycles.  The natural progression from this experience is an understanding of and appreciation for global macro-economics as it relates to individual markets and sectors.

Articles by Gary Tanashian

The Silver/Gold ratio has not so surprisingly failed to lead the bug-o-sphere to glory.There was excitement aplenty as the Silver/Gold ratio broke out of the downtrend channel, because when silver moves, it MOVES. It titillates...
If you want to short the stock market, it may be best to be focused rather than painting with a broad brushThe US stock market has been undergoing internal rotations lately. We anticipated potential rotations to the more cyclical areas...
Per this now public NFTRH+ update (Dec. 28) we noted that an oversold Uncle Buck was due for a bounce. Well, bounce the buck did. Right to the daily EMA 20, which combined with resistance at the 102.50 area is our first and...
The US dollar index (DXY) has halted where it ‘should’ have on the bounce into FOMC[edit] In the time it took to write this post Uncle Buck held the tentative support level (dashed green line) and put in a hammer to turn positive in...
Inflation pushes the 30-year Treasury bond yield through long-term moving average trends!Okay, let’s take a breath. I don’t like to use ‘!’ in titles or even in articles. In fact, when I see too many of them I immediately think that...
As the Yield Curve flattens, this inflation is different from the 2020 inflationIn 2020 an inflationary yield curve more steep was in the bag as the Fed dropped and pinned the Funds Rate and sucked up every bond it could get its hands on (...
3 month T-bill yield is demanding the Fed raise the Funds rateAnd the Fed is listening.After this post was published another Hawkish jawbone came in the form of James Bullard and a call for a larger rate hike in March. CME Group Fed...
The yield curve is flattening.I don’t cheer-lead a given view, but if I were to do that I’d be cheering for a yield curve flattener to put a correction to inflationist dogmatists quoting von Mises to the herds and otherwise sloganeering...
Before this week’s COVID mutant headlines served well to take more enthusiasm out of a frothy market that we have been noting to be at longer-term ‘structural’ (as opposed to varying short-term) sentiment risk, we took a look at COVID-19...
Inflation has permeated the macro markets; where to from here?Apologies in advance for some of the possibly confusing content to follow. But if this were easy anyone could do it, eh? There are a lot of balls in the air; balls known as...


Most silver is produced as a byproduct of copper, gold, lead and zinc refining.

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