Jeffrey Lewis

Articles by Jeffrey Lewis

Two events occurred in the silver market recently. On Tuesday, September 22nd, and Monday, September 28th the price got hammered. While it is true – this didn’t happen in a vacuum. These downdrafts occurred across basically all...
Hey, stay right there. I'm really happy to be here. If you know me or if you're brand new to this, I'm excited because I get to talk about what silver prices look like in the current reality versus the inevitable reality. Also this is the...
This is the edited transcript to Dr. Lewis’ interview with Ted Butler detailing JP Morgan’s large physical silver position.

Years ago, Ted Butler was able to identify JP Morgan as the big silver short. We began by talking about how that...
Note: The following article was published in 2010. Please see the accompanying video below. We chose to re-publish in light of the fact that no matter the complexity of the tinkering, the more things change, the more they stay the...
Rick Santelli may be one of the last speakers of truth left in the mainstream financial space.

Santelli is a former commodities trade – now a popular CNBC commentator, broadcasting from Chicago.

He is treated like a sad clown brought...
“All truth passed through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident”.    -- Arthur Schopenhauer

Once the truth about silver value becomes evident,...
We took a little vacation over the weekend before Black Monday, August 24th, 2015.

Having just finished contemplating and describing the fear and volatility left over from the previous week, I felt predisposed to signs of ‘smoke’...
There are fundamentals. And then there is legalized betting, ultimately backed by you, the tax payer. Otherwise known as speculative trades.

Modern day commodity prices are determined by the latter, rather than by the result of trading...
It was bound to happen sooner or later. And this month we got it… The WSJ ran its hit piece on silver.

This Precious Metal Needs a Silver Bullet

The irony...
“For an individual to fix Libor is a crime. For a central bank to suppress European bond yields is an act of financial statesmanship. “   -- Jim Grant


The action of...


1 cubic foot of silver weighs approx 655 pounds whereas 1 cubic foot of gold weighs more than half a ton.

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