Jim Cook

Articles by Jim Cook

Cook: What is the reason for the extreme price volatility in the silver market?

Butler: We're reaching the end of the line, in terms of the final resolution and the train is shaking so much, it looks to be coming off the tracks.

Q: For a number of years, you have been insisting that silver would experience dramatic price gains. Any change in your thinking these days?

A: Not only has there been no change in my thinking, the case for a silver price explosion has...
Let’s consider some of the many reasons that silver should go up. The fact that JPMorgan has used unsavory tactics to hold the price of this important mineral down has created some powerfully bullish consequences. The historically low...
The world’s foremost silver analyst Theodore Butler has done it again. He has elaborated another bullish factor so powerful it screams at us to buy silver. As you know, Mr. Butler is the supreme expert on futures trading in silver. The...
James R. Cook Of Investment Rarities Interviews The Silver Guru

Cook: People that have been holding silver for several years are beginning to lose patience. What do you say to them?

Butler: The facts surrounding silver have never...
Cook: What’s happening in the silver market is hard to understand right now. Can you simplify it for us?

Butler: Frist you must understand the price of silver is set on the COMEX by two large opposing forces. On the short side are the...
Spanish Conquistadores invaded the Inca Empire in 1528 to steal their silver and gold.

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