Michael Ballanger

Articles by Michael Ballanger

1970s gas lines. Source: Wikipedia CommonsFor many of those following the writings of this "dithering old fool," who continues to hold an unfailing conviction in the strategic importance of gold and silver ownership in an otherwise out-of-...
It was one year and three weeks ago that I decided to buck the Pollyanna Trend that was then dominating the U.S. equity markets and with the S&P 500 within an earshot of record highs, I penned the January 24th missive entitled “...
If someone were to ask me my opinion precious metals tape action during the period between Jan. 28 and Feb. 1, 2021, two words would come to mind, with the first being "enlightening," and the second being "engaging."

The events of those...
Last night, as I was pondering which of the multiple events of the week that deserved my undivided ranting, I was reminded of a missive I wrote in late 2019, just after Jerome Powell executed his now-famous “pivot” and halted all efforts...
Before I wade into my Q4 strategy analysis, I have to tell you that prior to last Tuesday’s “debate”, I was leaning toward a “neutral” investment strategy largely based upon the 2016 outcome where heavily-favoured Hillary Clinton was upset...
In watching the travesty of disinformation, misinformation, and moral hazard formation ongoing in the global financial markets, I am immediately reminded of a case study from my university days of which I was a part, the nature of which...
As the month of July moves into its final ten-day stretch, I see NASDAQ records falling left and right as the drivers of fear that dominated in March are now "yesterday's news." Rising second waves of infection and death have been shunted...
As the month of July moves into its final ten-day stretch, I see NASDAQ records falling left and right as the drivers of fear that dominated in March are now “yesterday’s news”. Rising second waves of infection and death have been shunted...
As I was watching the pompom news channel (CNBC), they went into full damage control over Thursday's massacre, and I thought to myself, "What markets or media bullet points do 'the boys' need to control today in order to avoid a weekly...
In the late 1930s, a young stallion was born in Lexington, Ky., at the legendary Calumet Farm, that went on to win seventeen major races from 1940–1942, including the Triple Crown (Kentucky Derby, Preakness and Belmont Stakes) in 1941....


Man has had the ability to separate silver from lead for as far back as 4000 B.C.

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