Michael Ballanger

Articles by Michael Ballanger

When I was a young lad, there was a classmate (let's call him "Frankie") in the very early years of my education whose behavior was quite often deemed as "peculiar" and while I found him immensely entertaining, the teaching staff and my...
There was an article written a few days back where the author vehemently denied that the U.S. dollar could go any lower and where the phrases “face-ripping”, “face ripper”, and “rip your face off” (as well as derivatives thereof) were...
Firstly, this has been a spectacular month for me in that I was fortunate enough to have parlTed the profits from the UVXY trade successfully having bought a whackload of call options in the Physical Silver ETF (SLV:US) and a 300-lot of...
Would it be that a picture is worth a thousand words? In the case of the graphics posted below, in a word, yes!

Look at the positioning of the mighty Commercial Traders, who rarely lose money and who operate under the blinded eye of...
Twenty-seven months and two days ago, I was under huge emotional duress due to the dreadful action in the gold market as prices had been under severe manipulative pressure since mid-October. Under the excruciating weight of incessant...
Before I launch into one of my classic, bitter, vitriolic diatribes against all forms of modern-day interventionalist-type, fraudulent excuses for what use to be "free markets," have a gander at the chart below. Pay particular attention to...
In grade school, I had a classmate named Craig McVeigh who was easily one of the most maligned kids in the school because as a big lad standing a full hand width taller than anyone and weighing thirty pounds more than anyone, he was...
Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger discusses silver's recent price performance and why he believes precious metals are in alignment for a major ascent.

"Every stock market bull out there whether in New York or London or Mumbai...
Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger equates the position of the financial markets to that of a protagonist in a classic horror story and reflects on recent moves in the copper market.

Source: Flickr Hitchster

One of the...
In my business, there is a great deal of travel, be it to properties in the Peruvian Andes or the Canadian Yukon or to the investment conferences in New Orleans or San Francisco or London, so I get a full psychographic cross section of...


The melting point for silver is 961.93 °C - 1235.08 °K

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