P. Radomski

Przemyslaw Radomski, CFA, is the founder, owner and the main editor of SunshineProfits.com.

Articles by P. Radomski

After Gamestop, silver was the next big target, but investor frenzy seems to be showing signs of fatigue. Is the euphoric run on silver over?Silver is definitely making noise… or was. Who exactly is responsible for the pumping of SLV on...
When Joe Public buys shares during a wave of euphoria, they do it close to a market top or before the beginning of a decline. Looking at you, SLV!

Silver rallied on Friday (Jan. 29), gold reversed its direction before the end of the day...
It’s tempting to ride the silver rollercoaster. After-all, gold’s volatile little brother is just that – volatile. Its wilder price swings make some of the investment public believe they can profit from it more quickly. However, it’s...
Silver is like gold’s cheaper and more volatile little brother. The smaller market size of the white metal relative to gold makes it susceptible to wilder price swings. So how has it been performing relative to gold’s corrective actions...
Silver is not just any industrial metal. Used as money for centuries, much longer than the fiat currencies have been used, with its specific properties that are also widely used in many industries (best conductor of heat and electricity),...
For years, silver was regarded as just an alternative to gold. However, in recent months, the white metal started to shine closely towards gold. With all the investment stress revolving around the latest surge of COVID-19 cases, the U.S....
In yesterday’s free analysis, we explained why a short-term corrective upswing in the S&P 500 was likely just around the corner. In today’s article, we’ll discuss how it’s likely to impact our silver price forecast. We’ll also make...
Wow, what a move we just saw in silver… Without further ado, let’s dive into the chart.

Silver just plunged to our initial target level and reversed shortly after doing so. It was for many months that we’ve been featuring the above...
The analysis of the precious metals market isn’t just gold analysis – there are times when silver rises to the forefront of everyone’s attention. And we fully expect such a moment of the white metal stealing the spotlight to arrive shortly...
Even though the beginning of yesterday’s session was rather uneventful, its remaining hours proved much more informative and meaningful. In fact, based on how the developments unfolded, we decided to go long silver. This position is...


The Fourth Coinage Act of 1873 embraced the gold standard and demonetized silver, known as the “Crime of 73”

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