P. Radomski

Przemyslaw Radomski, CFA, is the founder, owner and the main editor of SunshineProfits.com.

Articles by P. Radomski

I’ve been warning that silver would likely invalidate its recent comeback above its previous lows, and it did exactly that. The decline is now likely to resume.It is a particularly interesting phenomenon present on the silver market that...
The FED allows banks to do much more than what is proper based on the “economy is still bad” narrative. What does this mean for a private investor?Banking on a ComebackWith the U.S. Federal Reserve (FED) releasing its annual bank stress...
The most bearish development for gold came from… the NASDAQ. And no, these are not six typos in a row. Let me explain.The tech stocks were the strongest part of the stock market in the previous year or so, and for a good reason. Due to the...
Silver has definitely been in the spotlight lately, namely due to the incredible #silversqueeze rally. But as of right now, there is one detail that’s pointing to silver’s next movement.Gold moved higher yesterday (Feb. 23) and so did the...
After a frenzy of Reddit induced activity that captivated everyone, silver painfully gave back what it gained. What’s next for the white metal?

As the precious metals’ version of moral hazard, silver tipped over the flowerpot, and left...
Since the precious metals like to ride along with the EUR/USD, and the latest Eurozone data looks grim, what are the implications for the PMs?

Just when everyone and their brother thought that silver was going straight to the moon… it...
After Gamestop, silver was the next big target, but investor frenzy seems to be showing signs of fatigue. Is the euphoric run on silver over?Silver is definitely making noise… or was. Who exactly is responsible for the pumping of SLV on...
When Joe Public buys shares during a wave of euphoria, they do it close to a market top or before the beginning of a decline. Looking at you, SLV!

Silver rallied on Friday (Jan. 29), gold reversed its direction before the end of the day...
It’s tempting to ride the silver rollercoaster. After-all, gold’s volatile little brother is just that – volatile. Its wilder price swings make some of the investment public believe they can profit from it more quickly. However, it’s...
Silver is like gold’s cheaper and more volatile little brother. The smaller market size of the white metal relative to gold makes it susceptible to wilder price swings. So how has it been performing relative to gold’s corrective actions...


The Fourth Coinage Act of 1873 embraced the gold standard and demonetized silver, known as the “Crime of 73”

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