Do You Solemnly Swear?

March 13, 2020

Stay with me on this… the purpose will become clear soon.

Assume (without laughing or crying) that our U.S. senators are honest individuals filled with integrity. Yes, I know, but stay with me…

They voted during the impeachment trial for President Donald Trump. They swore to uphold the following oath:

Do you solemnly swear that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of Donald John Trump, president of the United States, now pending, you will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws, so help you god?”

I wasn’t there, but I assume 99 or 100 solemnly swore “Yes” to dispense impartial justice. It doesn’t matter.

To make this thought experiment simple, assume there are 50 republicans and 50 democrats in the Senate. Further assume they wear red or blue badges identifying their bias on their chests. As they say, close enough for government work…

The vote was close, nearly fifty – fifty, so assume the probability of an impartial guilty vote was one-half and the probability of a not-guilty vote was one-half.


  1. A “red” vote is a vote for not guilty.

  2. A “blue” vote is a vote for guilty.

  3. What is the probability that a senator wearing a red badge will vote red?

  4. If the senator is impartial, and guilty or not guilty is a 50-50 proposition, then the probability is 1 in 2.

  5. What is the probability that a senator wearing a blue badge will vote blue? Same, 1 in 2.

  6. There were 100 senators and 100 votes and 100 badges. What is the probability that 100 senators will vote the same color as their badges? Voting order does not matter. The probability is 1 in 2 to the 100th power.

  7. What is 2 to the 100th power? About 10 to the 30th power, or a 1 followed by 30 zeros, or a million trillion trillion.

The probability that 100 honest and impartial senators would vote the same as their badge colors is vanishingly small.

How small? The age of the universe, according to scientists, is about 14 billion years. Convert that to seconds and you get about ten to the 17th seconds.

The age of the universe, expressed in seconds, is a tiny number compared to the probability AGAINST an honest and impartial vote in the senate by 100, or even 90, senators voting the same as their badge color.


The mathematics for that vote, assuming it was an honest and impartial vote, doesn’t work. Obviously, it was neither honest nor impartial.

Conclusion: It was a political vote, not “impartial justice,” as they swore to uphold in their oath. Our senators violated their constitutional oath.


WE SHOULD NOT TRUST OR BELIEVE POLITICIANS. Swell. This is an obvious fact understood by all thinking humans.

The problem is – we are ruled by politicians. They run our lives, control our economy, devalue currencies every year, concoct stories they want us to believe, coerce the media into lying for their benefit, manipulate markets, start wars, and the list goes on.

Stay with me here. What other important lies have politicians told? A few examples:

President Nixon:

I have directed Secretary Connally to suspend temporarily the convertibility of the American dollar …” [Not temporary, it is still suspended – since 1971.]

The effect of this action, in other words, will be to stabilize the dollar.” [The dollar went into the tank, gold skyrocketed, and you know the history. He lied.]

President Johnson:

Our present silver coins won’t disappear, and they won’t ever become rarities… There will be no profit in holding them out of circulation for the value of their silver content.” [Not true and he almost certainly knew he was lying.]

President Clinton:

I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” [No comment needed.]

Attributed to FDR (Roosevelt):

In politics there are no accidents. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” [This quote might be an urban legend, but it sounds true.]

Many politicians: “The dollar is as good as gold.” [Not true for at least 6 decades.]

Ben Bernanke:

“… we do not expect significant spillovers from the subprime market to the rest of the economy or to the financial system.” [And then the crisis erupted. Reassuring lies are not facts.]

The Warren Commission: One lone shooter, many dead witnesses, more nonsense, reassure the public, protect the guilty etc.

9-11 Commission: Buildings fell at free-fall speeds like they had been professionally imploded with powerful explosives. Building 7 fell and was NOT hit by a jet. How did that happen?

Jerome Powell: “not QE” and more claims.

Treasury Department: Fort Knox gold is still there. [Doubtful, but we don’t know for certain.]

Vice President Cheney: “Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter.” [$23 trillion in official national debt and counting… Deficits do matter, are growing and will bring a disaster.]

President Obama:

If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan.”

With Obamacare we will reduce your insurance premiums by $2,500, per family per year.” [Do you know anyone whose insurance premiums or deductibles have gone down?]

Chinese Politicians: All official statistics about coronavirus infections and deaths are suspect.

North Korea: Almost everything they claim on most topics is suspect.

Government bureaucrats: Inflation is low. If true, why did a new truck in 1965 cost $2,500, but now costs (possibly a better truck) $50,000 to $80,000. No inflation – no chance.

Read:The Coming Exponential Silver Price Movement.”

Paper money and digits are based on future energy production. Thus, they are ENERGY IOU’S. However, silver is money or wealth because it is a store of energy equivalent value.”

Read: Bill Holter “Are You Prepared For the Contagion?”

Read: Charles Hugh Smith “Controlling the Narrative is Not the Same as Controlling the Virus

New York Times: “How the Iowa Caucuses Became an Epic Fiasco for Democrats.”

North Korea Concealing Coronavirus Outbreak

How China is Rigging the Number of Coronavirus Infections

“… going forward patients who tested positive for the virus but have no symptoms will no longer be regarded as confirmed.”

Does a Sudden Surge in SO2 Level Suggest a Huge Surge in Cremations Across China?

Otto von Bismarck:

Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied.” [Think denials about JFK, 9-11, Vietnam War, QE, internet bubble, real estate bubble, Obamacare, Russiagate, not-QE, coronavirus and more.]


  • Gold and silver have been money for several thousand years. They have no counter-party risk and are real, stored wealth.

  • The unbacked paper and digital stuff we use for currencies has lost purchasing power consistently and dropped to zero in many countries. These fiat currencies are useful for the political and financial elite, so we continue to use flawed currencies as a wealth transfer mechanism to benefit the elite. Fiat currency = fake money.

  • Flawed currencies are devalued every day by injecting currency units into the economy more rapidly than the economy grows. The coming recession will smack us in the face with this fact as central banks massively “print” to compensate for a slowing economy, and thereby accelerate consumer price inflation.

  • Printing trillions of currency units, lying about deaths, and lowering interest rates will NOT contain a global viral pandemic.

  • Lying about the number of coronavirus infections and deaths will not diminish the pandemic. Initially the lies may encourage confidence in government efforts, but that confidence can evaporate rapidly, and it is difficult to restore.

  • Decreasing confidence in health services, pandemic containment, and government announcements will weaken the global economy.

  • Global currencies will devalue in purchasing power. How much and how quickly depends upon how many new currency units are fed into the economy by the banking cartel, if credit and confidence collapse (as in 2008), if people cease believing official stories, and more.

  • Open your hypothetical vault in five years. Would you prefer to find ten ounces of gold or 200 one-hundred-dollar bills or the equivalent in pounds, euros, pesos etc.?

It’s wise to trust gold more than government pronouncements.

It’s wise to trust silver more than over-valued stocks that are vulnerable to a “pin” that will pop bubbles.

Buy silver and gold. They will sell at much higher prices when measured in future “mini-dollars.” Gold already sells at all-time highs in most currencies other than U.S. dollars.

Miles Franklin will convert digital and paper fiat dollars into real money – gold and silver. Gold and silver sitting in a non-bank vault are safe and secure, more so than digital stock certificates claiming ownership of over-inflated stocks.

Gary Christenson

The Deviant Investor

The symbol for silver ‘AG’ comes from the Latin word ‘agentum’ meaning silver.

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