Chris Marcus

Articles by Chris Marcus

The silver price rebounded on Monday, trading a dollar higher following a 2 week correction. Which was a healthy sign, and in contrast to the way we've seen silver trade in past years, where once a peak was hit, the corrections were...
We're seeing the sanctions heat up again, while rates have risen in the US, which has led to a new level of pressure on global financial system.

So it's a great time to check in with Tom Luongo of Gold, Goats, 'n Guns, who shares how...
With gold and silver rallying over the past 2 months, while the threat of additional financial sanctions continues to grow seemingly by the day, precious metals investors are wondering whether the next bull market has finally begun.

Over the 2 year bear market in silver, one of the primary reasons the market struggled so much was that there was little investment by the institutional funds.

We've seen metal leaving the silver ETFs, and the silver stocks were...
We talk a lot about how the Silver Institute has shown the silver market in a deficit over the past few years, while the silver inventories around the globe have been trending lower.

Yet now we're seeing the banks talking about it...
Silver industry executives have been talking about how there's an ongoing deficit in the silver market. That will necessitate a higher silver price for more production to come online.

Yet even if we saw a $35-50 silver price for an...
Last month Keith Neumeyer of First Majestic Silver sent a letter along with 20 silver mining executives to the Canadian government to petition them to list silver as a critical mineral.

In today's show he talks about why and how...
The Silver Institute has reported the silver industry being in a deficit after accounting for investment since 2021, with more deficits projected in the years ahead.

David Morgan says we're also at risk to the silver supply not being...
While the gold price has been at the focus of the precious metals market's attention over the past few weeks as it was breaking through the $2,100 level and setting new highs, the silver price rose sharply last Thursday and is now up over...
The Fed still has interest rates elevated, while it's continuing its quantitative tightening program. As a result, the yearly M2 money supply growth is negative, at the lowest levels since the great depression.

Yet the stock markets...


Most silver is produced as a byproduct of copper, gold, lead and zinc refining.

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