Bear's Lair

Bear Markets always follow Bull markets and a severe stock market correction is long overdue. Bears Lair will spot, monitor and analyze the stock market correction as it develops.


In recent months economic commentators and financial markets have focused almost excessively on the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing ("QE") policy as the market's main driver. However, last month two senior economists at the...

The realm of precious metals is a broad and diverse one. Indeed, for those who heed the propaganda of the mainstream media; nearly anything can “cause” the prices of gold and silver to go higher or lower (usually lower).

According to Reuters, gold rose after President Barack Obama won the backing of key figures in the U.S. Congress, including Republicans, in his call for limited strikes on Syria to punish the government for its suspected use of chemical...

All of us by now have seen the latest sales pitch from the Obama administration for yet another so-called "humanitarian intervention" in the Middle East. It is not hard to see that the case for war is a bunch of rubbish and will likely...

Yes, the manufacturing economy is growing (as we have been expecting since January when NFTRH alerted that the Semiconductor equipment industry was ramping an up cycle) but this does little to change the fact that it is inflationary...

While officials from the Federal Reserve gather recently in Jackson Hole Wyoming to bemoan that inflation isn’t yet high enough for their liking, the truth is that inflation is already ravaging the middle class.

When the world’s largest bond fund sees over $7 billion in net outflows, it tells us the tide may have turned against the bond market bulls.

The massive debt bubble created by our monetary system is about to burst. The demonetization of gold and silver, has over the years diverted value from these metals, to all paper assets (such as bonds) linked to the debt-based monetary...

From today’s point of view, it seems that the situation hasn’t changed much since our last Oil Update, because light crude is trading between $105 and $107 per barrel once again - just like it did a week ago. However, last week was very...

Silver is giving mixed signals depending on time frame. However, speculative Open Interest is rising, which suggests higher prices overall.

Investors and traders alike are heading into the long weekend with a variety of potential risks facing them. The media has made us aware of the situation that is going on in Syria and that the United States may be planning a military...

It seems that few people have yet realized the possible scenario that a repo market failure will result in a liquidity freeze that can then spark off a full scale financial collapse.

While 2013 may have begun in a near commodity panic, prices have begun to rise for a number of natural resources as of late. This is particularly true in the precious metal market, as hard asset demand has surged while geopolitical...

In 1960 I was a young Airman in aircraft mechanic school in Amarillo AFB, Texas. We had an instructor who, when we were being especially dense, would say, "I buy you books and buy you books, and all you do is eat the covers!" Every...

With economies in China and Japan, the world’s second and third largest economies slowing, and economies in emerging markets and the 17-nation eurozone struggling mightily, hopes have been that the U.S. economic recovery will pick up...

BENCHMARK physical gold prices retreated 2% from yesterday's 3-month high of $1433 per ounce early Thursday in London, hitting $1405 per ounce before rallying $10 and shrugging off a stronger-than-expected revision to US economic growth...

According to the information just released by the Royal Canadian Mint, sales of Gold & Silver Maples are beating all records. Not only are Canadian Maple sales surpassing its own previous records, Gold Maple Leaf sales actually out...

The second half of the previous week brought interesting pieces of economic data and disturbing geopolitical news. On Wednesday, weekly inventory data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) showed that crude oil...

“Another sign that investors are moving back into gold came from Barclays on Monday, as they said exchange-traded products recorded their biggest daily inflow since January 1 on Friday at 5.8 metric tons.” – Wall Street Journal, August...

So, I'm thinking I have this interesting idea for an article. I kick it around for a few days; try to find an angle on it. For the heck of it, I check the Webs to see if anyone's done anything like it for a while, and wouldn't you...

After two years of winding down the U.S. military’s presence in Iraq and Afghanistan, the rumblings of war are being felt in Syria. Calls for American intervention in Syria’s civil war have been increasing lately, especially after...

According to Bloomberg, the Fed stimulus helped in pushing the S&P 500 up as much as 153% from its March 2009 low, as better-than-estimated corporate earnings also fueled equity gains.

I have previously written about how gold can be used as a leading indicator for silver. Using this principle, there is an indication that we are at or close to the period for a 1979/1980 style rally in silver.

We may have seen the bottom in the precious metals and the miners. A major uptrend could just be beginning in these oversold sectors. We are starting to see the major miners such as Barrick (ABX), Newmont (NEM) and Kinross (KGC) rebound...

While the MSM instigates reasons why we should give a damn about what people who have little control over the T bond market were thinking at the last meeting, why don’t we just tune it all out and manage the markets instead?

It is strongly advised you to take possession of real gold and silver at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.   The fundamentals indicate rising prices for decades to come, and a major price spike can happen at any time....

Buying high and holding on with Mexico's bargain-hunting billionaire...CARLOS SLIM HELÚ has a lot of money. Or rather, he owns a lot of assets. More than $73 billion-worth, according to Forbes magazine.

Since the last update, the Dow has had a rally which exceeded the previous all-time high. The rally appears to be nothing significant, since it was likely just a retest of the previous breakdown – See the Dow -chart below (from...

Since February of this year, there has been at least one silver contract in backwardation. Since May 31, the September contract has been backwardated. But that has now come to an end. Before we get to the graphs, let’s define our terms...

The QE party is ending. And the following hangover is going to be brutal. Since 2007 the Central Bankers of the world have operated under the belief that they can hold the financial system together by engaging in round after round of...


During 1500s the Spaniards had taken 16,000,000 kilograms of silver from Peru.

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