Chris Ciovacco

Articles by Chris Ciovacco

 While there are rational arguments for the Fed to stand aside during the next bear market, an examination of the do-nothing alternative calls that theory into question.An idle Fed could spark a deflationary spiral, providing an...
 Many institutional equity managers must remain fully invested at all times in order to stay in-line with a growth mandate, meaning stock rotation is their primary risk management tool.If managers were positioning for economic and...
 The Federal Reserve is expected to alter their forward policy guidance to support the economy as early as this week.If the Fed emphasizes that they intend to keep interest rates low, it could be interpreted by the markets as a...
Weekends are a good time to review investment risk management strategies. If an approach or system can manage to avoid the common bear market pitfalls below, the odds of successfully navigating though the next crisis should improve:You...
Aggregate Opinion Drives MarketsRoughly half of the U.S. population owns stocks, which equates to approximately 156 million people. Those 156 million people along with millions more around the globe determine the value of our portfolios....
Emerging Markets Point To Slower Global GrowthIn the early 1990s, U.S. investors did not pay much attention to economic happenings in the likes of Vietnam, India, or Brazil. By the time Thomas Freidman’s book The World Is Flat ...
 After posting another new high last week, stocks were taking a breather during Monday’s session. The primary catalyst came out of China. From Reuters:China’s exports unexpectedly tumbled in February, falling 18.1 percent from a...
 Fed’s Fisher Down On QEThe Federal Reserve has signaled to the markets that economic data would have to veer significantly off their anticipated path to terminate the Fed’s tapering process. Some additional taper-friendly remarks...
 Markets Love Central Bank ActionAnyone who follows the markets knows that action from central banks tends to impact risk-related behavior, often in a significant manner. With the European Central Bank (ECB) meeting Thursday, the...
 Ukraine Fears EaseMonday and Tuesday have been about the conflict in Ukraine. Monday’s news was fear related; Tuesday’s news was better. From Bloomberg:U.S. stocks rose, with the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index rebounding to a...


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