Clive Maund

Articles by Clive Maund

We have already been over the reasons why a major PM sector bullmarket is starting, and remarked on how undervalued silver is compared to gold, and how this is typical at the start of a major sector bullmarket, but it is worth “thumping...
Silver looks considerably weaker than gold, although that is normal at this stage in the cycle. It is still considered likely that it is forming a Double Bottom with its lows of late 2015, and if so then the support at those lows should...
There were several developments last week that taken together suggest that the short-term bearish scenario set out in the Gold And Silver Interim Updates about a week ago is not going to materialize and instead that the original grander...
If you were to tell the average American back in say the 60’s that in 50 years the US would be a “command economy” they would probably react as if you’d lost your mind. Back in those days the Soviet Union was a command economy with the...
Silver fell sharply on Friday after dropping on Wednesday and Thursday, and the reason it fell so sharply can be seen on its latest 6-month chart below which shows that it breached its parabolic uptrend, which had become too steep, this...
The charts for silver look nowhere near as strong as those for gold, but that is normal for this stage in the cycle, as at the start of major sector bullmarkets investors tend to be cautious and conservative and favor gold over silver....
The last update was wrong. Silver was expected to drop with the stock market, but instead it held its ground and then broke higher last week. The reasons for this misinterpretation, both for gold and silver, are set out in the latest...
The last update was wrong. Silver was expected to drop with the stockmarket, but instead it held its ground and then broke higher last week. The reasons for this misinterpretation, both for gold and silver, are set out in the latest Gold...
Silver is now very cheap compared to gold (as is platinum) and recently hit a 24-year low reading as can be seen on the latest chart for the silver to gold ratio shown below, which means two things – one it is very good value relative to...
If this unfortunate character, who for a brief period became a BITCOIN BILLIONAIRE, had been a subscriber, he would have known to get the hell out of Dodge and would not have ended up broke and pawning his underwear.



Man has had the ability to separate silver from lead for as far back as 4000 B.C.

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