Rick Ackerman

Articles by Rick Ackerman

A rally with exactly 40 points of potential — equivalent to about 320 Dow points — looms if the futures are going to fulfill the 2512.00 Hidden Pivot target shown. However, the move through the midpoint pivot at 2457 was labored, implying...
The stock market rallied on Friday on employment news that should have been cause for worry rather than celebration. It is yet one more sign that shares have completely decoupled from reality if not yet sanity. Although the work force was...
Elsewhere on the Rick’s Picks home page, I’ve offered a mildly bullish short-term projection for the E-Mini S&Ps. However, I proffer the Mini-Dow’s chart (see inset) as a cautionary note, since Thursday’s downdraft did impressive...
The futures have been screwing the pooch for two weeks, presumably to gather what modest thrust is required to reach the 2456.00 target shown.  The broad averages have been entirely opportunistic of news, often in a perverse way....
Volatility has gone brain-dead, as today’s chart makes clear. What this implies is that ‘everyone’ has bet the opposite or is hedged up the wazoo with puts, calls or straddles against a stock market melt-up or -down. Such an event is...
Zillionaire Asher Edelman was quoted on ZeroHedge the other day saying he has ‘no doubt’ that the Plunge Protection Team is behind the stock market’s steep rally since the election. With all due respect for Mr. Edelman and others who...
Bob Hoye’s Pivotal Events, published every Thursday, is consistently one of the most insightful and well-written newsletters in the financial world — a great read that could be compared in quality only to Grant’s Interest Rate Observer....
We added to our call position Tuesday when VXX bottomed two ticks off a potentially important downside target at 13.57 that we’d been using for the last week or so to stay out of trouble. This allowed any subscriber who took the trade to...
Permabears in particular will find this hard to believe, but the Dow Industrial Average could levitate a further 2336 points before it hits something solid. Even some bulls might find the 23317 target shown in the chart (see inset) a tad...
We have unfulfilled targets as high as 2492.50, but the 2355.50 Hidden Pivot shown in the chart can serve for now. I like the 120-minute graph here because it shows the rally for what it is: a labored, grunting affair whose progress has...


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