Rick Ackerman

Articles by Rick Ackerman

The rally pattern shown with a Hidden Pivot target at 18.26 was so clear and compelling that we should assume that because the futures exceeded it decisively, they have sufficient energy for another leg up once the current correction has...
Genuinely meaningful economic data from mainstream news sources is as rare as a transparent pronouncement from the wizards and charlatans at the Fed. Friday will provide an exception, however, since very meaningful new-home-sales figures...
If the stock market’s wilding spree continues for just a few more days at its recent pitch, the rally is going to start looking like a blowoff on the daily and intraday charts. Rick’s Picks subscribers know something the bullish herd most...
In testimony before Congress this week, Yellen aggressively talked the Fed’s book, asserting that the U.S. economy looks so hunky-dory these days that the rate hikes she keeps promising are absolutely, definitely, positively coming. Let’s...
TLT is within a day’s rally of an important resistance, a midpoint Hidden Pivot at 121.28 (see above) that is associated with a target at 124.23.  If that last number were to be achieved, it would correspond to a drop in T-Bond rates...
The futures appear headed to the 16.580 target shown. I posted this Hidden Pivot support in the chat room Thursday morning, but it was probably of little help to traders because of the downtrend’s rabid demeanor. I am not suggesting bottom...
I had proffered a 2324.00 Hidden Pivot here yesterday as a swing-for-the-fence number, but during this morning’s weekly tutorial session — attended by a record 30 webinar grads! — we were able to identify a new and even more ambitious...
Silver futures sold off hard Wednesday after peaking around mid-session, but not before generating the most promising bullish impulse leg that we’ve seen in a long while. Notice in the chart that the modest rally, which lasted for just a...
Is it possible that wage inflation is re-emerging in the US after a 35-year hiatus? That’s what the experts seem to believe, but there are good reasons to think they will be wrong. Consider the substantial pay increase that minimum-wage...
There has been precious little buying power behind the TrumpSanta rally these last few days, but the selling has been even feebler. The net result has been a slow, steady waft higher that has not quite recouped what was lost in just two...


Man has had the ability to separate silver from lead for as far back as 4000 B.C.

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