Bear's Lair

Bear Markets always follow Bull markets and a severe stock market correction is long overdue. Bears Lair will spot, monitor and analyze the stock market correction as it develops.


2013 was the year that everything and the kitchen sink got thrown at the precious metals market. The massive liquidation of the GLD ETF along with practically every Wall Street firm and broker dealer evacuating from the metals’ space-...

We take a look at the most industrial of the precious metals, palladium. It was the only one of the four precious metals to post gains in 2013. Will it continue to do so in 2014?

In November, the ECB (European Central Bank) surprised the markets by dropping its refinancing rate to 0.25 percent to avoid dreaded deflation, and announced it seeks to keep “price growth steady at about 2 percent” which is obviously a...

Earnings season always causes some hesitation in the bull’s camp. As more and more releases hit the wire, the question is will the concerns be justified?

Whether prices rise, stay flat, or fall, damage is still being done. One way to look at the damage more closely is to look at spreads. This is the approach I take in my supply and demand analysis of gold and silver. I study two spreads...

To really appreciate how silver has demonstrated sterling performance since 2001, one must see the relative performance of other asset classes. Below is a Relative Performance chart (2001-2014) showing the Total Return of Silver vis-à-...

The silver price is in an oversold position, which is far worse than in 2008 or in 2001. Such extremes have always been followed by strong movements to the up-side. After 2008, silver rose more than 400% while some gold and silver...

In this Weekend Report I would like to show you some charts for silver which shows a bullish and bearish scenario. As we are at an inflection point we need to monitor both sides of the precious metals complex for clues that may give us...

The Federal Reserve has been doing the heavy lifting in the stock market for longer than they care to admit. In order to declare their quantitative easing program a success, the Fed needs the economy to pick up, allowing the central...

It is both ironic and pathetic that as our corrupt, Western governments drown in their own self-created insolvency, these weasel-politicians spend more time talking about “fiscal responsibility” than at any other time in modern history...

Silver is on major sell signal and config is bearish. Any buy signal is counter trend trade and risk should be managed. COT data suggests that speculation is reaching level of previous tops and more selling can start anytime.

The good news is: The mid and small cap indices closed at all-time highs on Friday. The negatives: Negatives are pretty hard to find. The new high indicators failed to confirm the small cap highs, but they did turn up; setting up a...

It is natural for observers to break down complex topics into manageable or useful sound bites or chunks. It not only makes it easier to digest, but also helps serve any biases. But when it comes to perception of the markets and the...

Despite its miserable 2013, latent investor interest in silver remains strong. This manifested in robust worldwide demand for physical silver driven by its lower prices. The hidden strength in silver was also evident in the holdings of...

On January 9, we described the importance of considering allocation adjustments as the observable evidence shifts. Friday’s monthly jobs report falls into the “observable and unexpected shift” category.

Once again, the Labor Department’s monthly employment report lived up to its reputation of providing a surprise in one direction or the other. The economy created only 74,000 new jobs in December compared to the consensus forecast for...

In both gold and silver, the New Year brings technical readings as oversold as those seen in the 1980-1982 bear market. Some technicians claim that they have never seen such oversold conditions in the mining equities- a pretty strong...

Staying In The Now Is Key To Investing

Stocks sagged on Monday as the annual “Santa Claus rally” season came to an end last week. As Stock Trader’s Almanac points out, “Santa Claus tends to come to Wall Street nearly every year, bringing a short, sweet respectable rally...

The U.S. economy is highly dependent on consumers buying and consuming. It is much easier to buy and consume when you are employed. Consequently, investors monitor the labor market very closely. Wednesday brought some encouraging news...

A poll was recently conducted on Twitter asking, who was the most helpful trader in 2013? We do not know everyone on the list, but we know most of them. What common trait do the people/firms share that allows them to be helpful in the...

The United States government has six interrelated motivations for destroying the value of the dollar: 1. Creating money out of thin air on a massive basis is all that stands between the current state of hidden depression, and overt...

I write frequently about supply and demand in the monetary metals, gold and silver. I’ve argued that one cannot just look at numbers pertaining to “famous” buyers or sellers like India or the People’s Bank of China, while ignoring...

“Las Lágrimas de la Luna” could well reach $500/oz in the next few years. This expression is how ancient Incas of Peru referred to silver…”Tears From The Moon.” Although silver production is globally widespread, tiny Peru is the world’s...

Solar -- Even though many solar stocks had massive gains in 2013, the solar bull market is still quite young. Most solar stocks began their uptrends early in 2013. So their bull market is barely a year old. Before this year solar...

There is a dying amount of square hectares of accessible mineable ground in the modern world. From the Rocky Mountains to Zacateca or the Antamina mines to Northern Ontario there remains precious little raw real estate which has not...

The stock market is trying to figure out if the Fed can pass the baton to the economy. Recent hesitation in stocks speaks to the market’s still tentative outlook for earnings and economic growth. Monday delivered a mixed message in...

In our surreal, “Matrix” societies; one financial crime stands out above all others in terms of its relentless and pervasive impact in strip-mining all of the wealth out of our economies: interest rate fraud. It is the cornerstone of...

Welcome to the New Year, and to the “New Paradigm”, where stocks go up in perpetuity because, well, because they’re going up, and because the Fed stands behind the market likes a towering Father Christmas ready to pump more money...

Current investing model favors equities and both the growth and energy sector are on major buy signals. However, there has not been a multi week correction in the major indexes for over a year now, most likely due to the four year cycle...


Silver has 47 protons and 61 neutrons

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