Clive Maund

Articles by Clive Maund

Whilst acknowledging that “this time it could be different” we have no choice but to call gold and silver lower on the basis of their latest extraordinary COT charts, which reveal that the normally wrong Large specs are already “betting...
Latest COT data released on Friday shows an astounding ramp in Commercial short positions in silver that it believed to be unprecedented, and given that silver is now critically overbought after 14 up days in a row up till last Thursday,...
The public are now extremely bearish on silver, with a widespread perception that it is “done for”, but as we will see, even if there is some further short-term weakness, the longer-term outlook for silver is very bright indeed.On its 14-...
Silver’s recent rally was feeble compared to gold’s, and the retreat that followed has already erased all of the gains made, and already brought it back close to key support at its June and December lows, as we can see on its 1-year chart...
On silver’s 1-year chart we can see that a fine large Double Bottom is completing. We already had the breakout on good volume from the 2nd trough of this Double Bottom in the middle of February, and it was this event that has (rightly)...
Silver has confirmed gold’s breakout of several days ago by following suit and breaking out above important resistance on Friday on the strongest volume for almost 6 months. This means that we are now in a full on Precious Metals...
While gold has rallied across its downtrend channel in recent weeks to arrive at its top boundary, silver has arrived at the upper boundary of its channel by limping sideways. Next week is decision time – either it breaks out upside from...
Welcome to the New Year, and to the “New Paradigm”, where stocks go up in perpetuity because, well, because they’re going up, and because the Fed stands behind the market likes a towering Father Christmas ready to pump more money whenever...
On silver’s 14-year chart we can see that, despite the severe correction since the Spring 2011 peak, it has still not broken down from the large broadening uptrend shown, nor has it dropped below the nearby zone of strong support shown. In...
The reason for posting a new Silver Market update at this juncture is that we appear to be at an optimum “buy spot”, for gold, silver and Precious Metals ETFs and stocks, as both gold and silver have dropped back in recent weeks to mark...


Peru became the world’s largest producer of silver in 2012.

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