Monica Kingsley

Monica Kingsley is a trader and financial markets analyst. Checking dozens of charts daily, she integrates their messages with economics and in-depth experience. Trade calls and writing are her cup of tea as much as studies in market histories. Having been at the financial markets when the Great Recession arrived, she experienced many bull and bear markets - be it in stocks, bonds, gold and silver. 

Articles by Monica Kingsley

Wednesday and yesterday are two uneventful doji days. Wrong! The quiet breakout above the mid-June highs just got confirmed, meaning that the S&P 500 is primed to go higher eventually, I think. And in today's analysis, I'll lay out the...
After Tuesday's bullish reversal, S&P 500 intraday consolidation came. How to read the doji just in? In today's analysis, I'll lay out the case for why I consider it to be healthy base-building – a springboard for stocks to take on the...
After the sharp downside reversal late Monday, stocks refused downswing continuation yesterday. Slowly initially, then ever more forcefully into the closing bell. That seems to be a perfect definition of a reversal, right?

In today's...
We got that extension of Friday's rally on Monday, as I called for. Vaccine hype news. Good for bulls with tight exit orders – I managed to take a 55-points profit off the table. But big tech (think Microsoft, Amazon) suffered with talk of...
I doubted that Thursday's downswing was a shot across the bow courtesy of the bears, and instead laid out the case for why the stock upswing is likely to renew itself when I looked at the big picture. And so far, the stock bull run remains...
Wednesday's efforts to break above the mid-June highs got thoroughly tested yesterday, and the stock bulls barely managed to stage a comeback. Is that a warning shot fired by the bears, or a show of strength by the bulls? I think I have an...
As expected, the S&P 500 closed back above the mid-June highs resistance yesterday. The volume slightly rose but I wouldn't read too much into it – after all, the early June highs of around 3230 should provide for a bit stiffer battle...
The S&P 500 recovered from yesterday's premarket slump and tried reaching for Monday's highs again before losing altitude. Have we seen a daily reversal, and if so, how serious is this?

Given for example the weak showing in high...
Since Monday's premarket open, the S&P 500 was steadily rising before stabilizing above the mid-June tops. While the index comfortably closed at its intraday highs, can we trust this breakout? While a little breather following the...
Supported by another strong ADP non-farm payrolls, the S&P 500 extended its premarket rally on Friday, but it quickly ran out of steam. How concerning is seeing most of its intraday gains gone? That's actually not the only sign of...


During 1500s the Spaniards had taken 16,000,000 kilograms of silver from Peru.

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