Rick Ackerman

Articles by Rick Ackerman

It’s no coincidence that the stock market’s steep rise in February began just days after an equally steep rise in the dollar stalled in late January.  The dollar has been moving sideways ever since, extending a monotonous sine-wave...
In these all-too-interesting times, the headline I found most disturbing last week, from The Wall Street Journal, was this one:  ‘Greek Troubles Cause Barely a Ripple’. This was not mere hubris but arguably something worse, since...
Yale’s Robert Shiller believes a bond crash is coming, although he stops short of saying when or why. In a recent interview with CNBC, the Nobel Prize-winning economist offered no rationale for a collapse in T-bonds other than that yields...
Nearly six years into a supposed economic recovery, the Great Recession persists for most Americans. Payroll statistics released Friday would have us believe the economy is heating up, but how can this be so? Both statistical and anecdotal...
“Following every great bubble the senior currency eventually became ‘chronically’ strong relative to most asset classes, including commodities, and other currencies for most of the time.”

- Bob Hoye, chief strategist of Institutional...
How do you see the economic endgame playing out for the U.S. and the world? That’s this week’s discussion topic, and although some in this forum will undoubtedly lean toward the Armageddon scenario, we should always leave room to imagine a...


1 cubic foot of silver weighs approx 655 pounds whereas 1 cubic foot of gold weighs more than half a ton.

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