Bear's Lair

Bear Markets always follow Bull markets and a severe stock market correction is long overdue. Bears Lair will spot, monitor and analyze the stock market correction as it develops.


The world’s largest silver producer saw its production decline substantially in the first half of 2013. Many assume this decline came from Fresnillo, which is known as the largest primary silver miner in the world. However, it was...

WHOLESALE GOLD edged back from last week's two-month closing high on Monday morning, recording its best London Gold Fix since 18th June above $1375 per ounce.

Silver is giving mixed signals depending on time frame. However, speculative Open Interest is rising, which suggests higher prices overall.

Finally, a classic example on the importance of reading developing market information, as shown in this SILVER chart!   That last bar on the weekly chart speaks volumes, a gap higher from apparent weakness.

The most volatile of commodities posted a thumping 14 per cent gain last week, its best week in five years. Is this just a flash in the pan or is silver now set up for an autumnal price spike?

In 1863, the Rothschild brothers of London wrote to associates in New York introducing their banking method into America that: “The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its...

Many observers have realized that the price of silver will rise dramatically at some point because the amount of paper silver is many times the amount of physical silver.

The U.S. Economy stands at the edge of the abyss while the financial MSM debates whether or not the FED will taper in the fall. Silly analysts. Serious cracks are beginning to appear in the economy while the precious metals have now...

In our previous essay ( ) we focused on silver’s relationship with the general stock market. Today, we think it would be interesting to revisit the silver-to-...

Yesterday’s AM fix was USD 1,334.00, EUR 1,002.41 and GBP 862.31 per ounce. Gold climbed $23.30 or 1.77% Monday and closed at $1,335.90/oz. Silver surged $0.88 or 4.3% and closed at $21.34.

The US's finances are in big trouble, and it's a similar story in most of the other Western developed countries. Nevertheless, the stock markets are chugging along, suggests Pamela and Mary Anne Aden, editors of The Aden Forecast.

The technical outlook for gold, silver, and mining companies continues to improve. That’s the daily gold chart, and it looks excellent.

Market close to confirming new correction. The S&P500 has been on a tear since late 2012 with the S&P500 bottoming at 1266. The rally though we have been charting out as part of a “Primary wave 3″ uptrend for this Bull market...

The Investment Company Institute (ICI) estimated weekly net cash outflow from bond mutual funds of $13.5 billion during the week of June 12.  This followed a staggering $10.9 billion outflow the previous week.  So began a steady exodus...

How has the bankrupt United States of America kept its entire (paper) house-of-cards from crumbling all around it? Two words: fraudulent accounting.

The primary silver mining industry is not sustainable at present market prices.  Financial reports are starting to be released and by the end of the month we should have a pretty good idea on how bad the losses will be.

The good news is:  We saw a down week with no buildup of new lows on the NASDAQ.  The negatives:   The market has been following the typical seasonal pattern for the 1st year of the Presidential Cycle pretty closely and

Human history is a depressing cycle of repetition. Societies/economies rise; societies/economies crumble.

Today the dollar broke through 80.40. This is a major development as it signals that the current daily cycle topped in only 2 days, thus confirming that the intermediate cycle has also topped.

In May 22 testimony to the Joint Economic Committee of Congress, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke issued another of many similar positive interpretations of central bank policy.

By now everyone has a prediction about where the S&P 500 Index (SPX) is going to be heading in the future.

The largest silver producing country in the world has seen its production decline substantially in the first five months of the year.  Mexico was forecasted to increase its silver production this year, however if present trends continue...

Given that the demand for physical gold among private investors has remained strong throughout 2013, the significant price declines in recent months took many investors by surprise.

As all regular readers know, we live in lawless societies – at least “lawless” for any/all individuals or entities encompassed by the crime syndicate known as the One Bank.

After seeing stocks drop over 50% in both the 2000-2003 and 2007-2009 bear markets, investors are understandably hesitant to redeploy their hard-earned money back into stocks.

The good news is most of the major indices closed at all-time or multi year highs on Friday. The negatives:

The housing and automobile industries are the main driving forces of the economy - in both directions.

The Rydex Cash Flow Ratio is one of the sentiment indicators we track, and currently it is showing that investors are unusually reluctant to commit money to the current rally.

Some truly awful economic results were released over the last week.

The good news is:  New lows remained insignificant in spite of a rough week.

The Negatives:  New highs have remained problematic on the NYSE.


The word ‘silver’ originates from the Old English Anglo-Saxon word 'seolfor'

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